Saturday, July 07, 2007


Been away for far too long. I will be here more often now that I have been fired for being sick. Oh trust me, it is not a huge deal to me. I think that the job was making me sick with all of the stress and so forth. I get time to concentrate on school, which is good because I failed my marketing class. Mostly because my teacher wasn't very clear on what she wanted. ::sigh:: So, I will be retaking that class. Which may not be all that bad really. I have applied for unemployment and I will be concentrating on my Avon. So, I will still have stuff to do and I will be trying to get here to be with you.

Right now I have that queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach that comes with any great change in my life. And the questions are swirling in my brain. But I did not do this, Wal Mart did, so why am I questioning if it was the right thing to do? Because I always do that. I know that in the long run, I will be happy. Until I know about the unemployment I will worry because I have bills to pay and all of that. Home Depot will be hiring in mid Aug. so I really don't have to long to wait.

But I think this is it for the update, wish me luck!!!! Ciao!!

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