Friday, January 12, 2007


So, an odd thing happened today, the computer just all of a sudden lets us go to the internet. I don't know. So, I used part of that time to look for a new computer and I found a nice one at Hewlett~Packard. It is not too expensive and will be capeable of handling music and photos which is important. But I have to wait for Pizza boy's tax return .

I am still having really bad pain. If it hasn't gone by Sunday, I have to go to the doctor. I HATE doctors. Ick!!! It has to do with spending a lot of time in the hospital and around doctors when I was young.

Oh, wait did I tell you? Oh, I guess not, because of all of the computer issues and what not. He asked me to marry him!! Just out of the blue. I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't. OMG!!!! And you know that I said yes. As if there was any doubt..... So, that is all of the news.... Ciao!!!

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