Sunday, November 05, 2006


Okay, last night/this morning really opened my eyes to my new job. I thought that I was imagining things when I felt like they didn't want to deal with me and the atmosphere of not wanting the new person around. But what I went through was not right. I was called yesterday at like 5:30 PM because they needed me to come in on my night off and help out. Considering that I called in on Thursday, I said okay. Well, in all honesty, I should have kept my happy ass home.

Mind this shift last night/this morning is only my third one there since I started. So, I was pricing things and putting them on the shelves and stuff like that. This morning the manager on duty asked me if I have ever front/faced before. Yeah I have. So she tells me where to start and sends me off by myself. Before I know it she is all mad because " I am not doing it right". So she starts showing me all the time basically yelling at me. I was like, if you wanted it done this way, you should have showed me what you wanted instead of sending me off on my own.

I thought that maybe I was imagining things with the attitudes there and the misinformation and the general power plays that are already going on. I didn't have to go in last night/this morning, it was my night off. But I figured that I would be a team player and help out.

This morning at 7 AM when my shift ended, I left. I think they wanted me to stay, but I had agreed to 10PM~7AM. That is what I worked. I am thinking that maybe I should start looking for another job. I am already tired of the crap here. But I won't quit until I find something else. That was my night. Nice, huh???