Monday, November 27, 2006

Oh So Tired Of Brittany....

I am so sick and tired of hearing about what a great idea it was to dump K~Fed. Um, you shouldn't have married him in the first place, stupid. Now he is supposedly going to sell the "Honeymoon" tape. Oh please. It's been done by sadly, people better than you. May I remind you. Paris Hilton and some guy she screwed and let's not forget Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson. So, it's been done. Next!

And now she is a media darling...Oh she brought sexy back.... Let me remind you just a month ago they were calling her tailer park trash. So she dieted and bleached her hair. Um, does that not SCREAM trailer park trash to you?!? Oh and now she WANTS justin Timberlake back. When they were together she didn't want him.... Get a frickin clue!!! He has money and a career what does she have? Two kids who half their genes are dork boy's.... I feel bad for the kids. I really do, to have Brittany and K~Fed as your parents, God must HATE you.

So, I am thinking that the kids MUST go into therapy now. And if she tries to revive the "Pop Princess" act I will throw up. Seriously. She had sex with that nasty K~Fed, who would do her now? Oh wait most to all the men in America. Does that not make you sick? It makes me very ill to think about that.

And if he cheated on her.... Who gives a rat's ass.... She married the slime ball AFTER he cheated on the mother of his other kid with her!! She thought she could change him... No way sister. Pretty much once they cheat they will continue to do it again and again. I know from experience. So, go away quietly and raise your poor children..... Be a mother to them, not just some singer that happens to be mom. That is my advice to you.......