Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I Made It!!!!

Seeing as how I have officially made it to my two days off in a row, I have made it through my first three days of work at Walmart. I know the sheer fact that I am even excited about this makes me a dork of the highest level. But you don't know how hard it was to make it through three days!! My feet and legs will never forgive me. I like my job, but hate a few minor things about it. I have learned a lot, or as the case may be, relearned.

I am off for Thanksgiving. Which is good and also off for Christmas, which is even better!! In the three weeks that I worked for CVS, I STILL haven't gotten my employee card. I started with Walmart last Friday and got it today. Talk about impressive!!! (I know, I am a dork)

I have to work Friday. 2 ~ 11pm. But that isn't too bad I guess. I have that Sunday and Monday off so, I can get through Friday and Saturday, I think. It has been so busy the last few days there!! Everyone has been nice to me so far. And I am happy to be making decent money (Great money for Michigan!).And when we move to Gaylord in a couple of years I can transfer. Which is nice too.

The only thing that I hate about my job is that the Customer Service Managers have this "palm pilot" thing that if a cashier needs anything you put a code in on your register and it goes straight to who ever has this thing. They like to ignore it. Not all but some and it drove me nuts yesterday! I needed change BAD and I had a customer question and was ignored both times until I went up and grabbed one of them. I know they are busy but sheesh!!!! But other than that it is a pretty cool job. So, I know I haven't done a full entry in a while, but bear with me and I will be back to posting regular entries all the time, I just have to master this tired thing... Ciao....

I got this image from Donna. Go visit her blog.