Saturday, November 25, 2006

Black Friday and the Aftermath.....

I made it through Black Friday at Walmart. Barely. We opened at 5 AM. I was not there. I didn't leave my house until I had to go to work. By the time I got home Doug was at work :( I heard stories of fist fights before the doors opened and customers slapping each other in the toy isle. And happily I missed it all:) When I got to work it was slower, but it got busier very quickly. All of the bargain hunters getting a second wind I guess.

I was scheduled until 11 but didn't clock out until 11:45. No one bothered to tell me that we were open until 11!! I was miserable last night which is why this entry didn't get written. I need my next two days off to recover from Friday and today.

I talked to the Assistant Manager over the cashiers about becoming a CSM. I know I can do that job better than some of the people doing it now. Yeah, the whole ignore thing. It happened yesterday. And boy were customers mad!!!!

Today seemed busier, but maybe because I was scheduled 11~8 and was there in the morning. Today just seemed to drag on forever. I was so not happy yesterday. On Thanksgiving we went to friend's of the family's house. And it was a good time. Friday was to be the Family Thanksgiving. Yeah, you can see where I am headed with this. I missed it because I had to work. That bothered me.

But I made it through. So moving on. I am tired tonight, so I am off to watch a movie and most likely sleep until Doug gets home. I am so grateful to be off tomorrow and Monday. Ciao!!!