Wednesday, October 25, 2006

300 Million....

Last week it is said that the 300 millionth person arrived in the United States. 300 million?!?! I can't even fathom that number.... So, right now only China and India have more people with in their borders. I subscribe to Glenn Becks news letter and I will post it here in it's entirety so you can read it. Leave your comments on what he has to say...

If it suddenly felt a bit more crowded last week, you’re weren’t imagining things—the big national “people-o-meter” rolled over, making the official U.S. population 300 million. (I know--with big fat guys like Michael Moore around, it’s felt like that many for a while now.) In one sense, that’s a cause for celebration…not the tubby Michael Moore part, but the new 300 million part. See, the United States now joins an exclusive club—only China and India have more people within their borders. But I don’t feel like celebrating—actually, I’m kinda’ cranky about this 300 millionth “American.”
See, here’s how the U.S. Census Bureau breaks it down—in this country, a person is born every 7 seconds, a person dies every 13 seconds, and an immigrant arrives every 31 seconds. When you do the math (or more specifically, when one of my fancy “college graduate” staffers does the math), that means that there’s a net gain of a new person in this country every 11 seconds. But just because there’s a new person in America doesn’t make that person an American.
While we can’t know for sure, statisticians believe that the 300 millionth American “arrived” somewhere in the Southwest, suggesting that person was quite likely an illegal immigrant. And that’s the part that has me cranky…that while there may be 300 million people living in America, that doesn’t mean that there are 300 million Americans. Now, you know that I might have a small concern over illegal immigration for a bunch of different reasons. But just look at the raw numbers…
In 1915, we hit the 100 million person mark. Then in 1967--52 years later--we hit 200 million and Life magazine did a huge story on the 200 millionth American. (A guy who was actually born here!) It only took us 39 years to go to 300 million, and the projections show our population in 2050 as being around 420 million. Either people need to start being born slower, die faster or we need to finally get a frickin’ handle on illegal immigration! It’s quite clear that Mexican president Vicente Fox isn’t going to help curb the trend of old Mexicans becoming new “Americans”—it’s up to us.
So if you are the 300 millionth American and you’re actually a citizen—my apologies. But if you’re an illegal alien, do the work before you go calling yourself an American. Trust me—it’s worth it.